Sundays at 9 am
Beyond just “Sunday School” Bible for Life classes aim to lead all ages to a deeper spiritual commitment to Jesus and help them to develop spiritual maturity. Classes happen before service every Sunday and include lessons, activities, projects, and more. Preschool through grade 5 are meeting in Room B4 for a Bible lesson appropriate for their age level. Teens meet in the Youth center and adults meet in Fellowship Hall.
An Easy Schedule
Prayer 8:30-9:00 am— An early prayer time for those who want to warm up for worship and study. A time of praying for the church, our services, our neighbors, our friends and family. We’d love you to join us.
Bible for Life 9:00-10:00 am.
Women’s Class: “What is a Biblical Woman in Today’s World?” Rose R -Youth Center
Open Class (men & women): The Wired Word (Various Facilitators)- Fellowship Hall
Middle School Class: “Trusting God When Tragedy Strikes” Colleen D -Prayer Room
Kids: “Jesus Begins Teaching of God’s Love“ Karen H & Ron D—Downstairs classrooms