“Strengthening Your Core” New Sermon Series starting this Fall

What’s at your core? How do you understand your faith? Core beliefs help us understand who we are and how the world works. They help us with decision-making and support our mental health. Most importantly, they strengthen and support our relationship with Jesus as His disciples. Join us Sunday Mornings for a Bible-focused journey as we look at what we believe about Experiencing God’s Love and Grace, Believing the Bible, Witnessing to the World and so much more.

Core Values

Rooted in our history and doctrine, our Core Values touch our hearts, stir our emotions, and move us to action.

Experiencing God’s Love and GraceSunday, September 10th

We value the free gift of salvation in Christ Jesus and the transforming power of the Holy Spirit.

Believing the BibleSunday, September 17th

We value the Bible as God’s authoritative Word, study it together, and build our lives on its truth.

Worshiping GodSunday, September 24th

We value heartfelt worship that is God-honoring, Spirit-directed, and life-changing.

Following JesusSunday, October 1st

We value wholehearted obedience to Christ Jesus through the empowering presence of the Holy Spirit.

Belonging to the Community of FaithSunday, October 8th

We value integrity in relationships and mutual accountability in an atmosphere of grace, love, and acceptance.

Witnessing to the WorldSunday, October 15th

We value an active and loving witness for Christ to all people.

Serving CompassionatelySunday, October 22nd

We value serving others at their point of need, following the example of our Lord Jesus.

Pursuing PeaceSunday, October 29th

We value all human life and promote forgiveness, understanding, reconciliation, and non-violent resolution of conflict.

Living SimplySunday, November 12th

We value uncluttered lives, which free us to love boldly, give generously, and serve joyfully.

Relying on GodSunday, November 19th

We confess our dependence on God for everything, and seek to deepen our intimacy with Him by living prayerfully.

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