FABIC Sermons

June 26, 2022

Where is God When it Hurts? Pt 3: “Using Your Pain to Help Others”

Filed under: Pastor John's Sermons — John Walker @ 10:30 am

God can transform our hurting into healing and help for others. Some very practical suggestions for how to redirect your pain to help others around you.

June 19, 2022

Father’s Day: “Six Ways to Serve”

Filed under: Uncategorized — John Walker @ 10:30 am

Fathers and parents are called to reflect the Father in heaven and to show the love of Christ in their parenting.

June 12, 2022

Where is God When it Hurts? Pt 2: “How Can I Benefit From My Pain?”

Filed under: Uncategorized — John Walker @ 10:30 am

This short series looks at God’s response to our pain and asks three questions: How can He use it for my good? How can I benefit from my pain? and How can I use my pain to help others?

June 5, 2022

Where is God When It Hurts? Pt 1: “How Can God Use My Pain For My Good?”

Filed under: Pastor John's Sermons — John Walker @ 10:30 am

This short series looks at God’s response to our pain and asks three questions: How can He use it for my good? How can I benefit from my pain? and How can I use my pain to help others?

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